Lawn Restoration is serious business and at GrowinGreen we do not make the recommendation unless it is necessary.
A field manager visited a new customer to provide an estimate. The first two photos show what he found during that visit – the lawn was all weeds, moss and bare dirt. One of the worst lawns this associate has seen in a long time. He took a soil sample for testing and explained to the homeowner that the condition of their lawn required some drastic measures for restoration.
First: Kill-Off
Killing off the existing yard included three applications of a round-up type product, two-weeks apart, insuring a clean slate for a new lawn to begin life and flourish.
Second: Seeding / Feeding
Three weeks after the final kill-off application, the yard is aerated and seeded anew.
Using the soil test results, we knew what this lawn needed. There was no guessing about it. We believe in taking care of the soil and then the soil will take care of the grass. If we get the soil right – we can grow what we plant.
Three-weeks after seeding and feeding this lawn, we visited the site to check on our progress. The result was encouraging. As you can see, we have fresh new growth in a healthy yellow-green tone.
At the four-week mark, we returned to find the new grass had matured to a rich green. The customer was thrilled to have a thriving lush lawn that impressed their neighbors.
If weeds and disease have taken over your lawn – give us a call at 336-854-7999 for a make-over. We want to inspire you to love your lawn, again.