by Jonathan Rigsbee | Jul 27, 2015 | Ask The Expert Questions & Answers
This causes great concern for many folks because for most tree species shedding bark is very bad. For crape myrtles however, it is completely normal and seems to be in full force right now. Some crape myrtle varieties seem to shed more bark and in larger pieces than...
by Jonathan Rigsbee | Apr 30, 2014 | Clover's Blog, Spring Lawn Care, Uncategorized
Well, spring has sprung and so has “big box” marketing – this year it’s Grassology or, is it a GrowinGreen Lawn Care Customer Nightmare? We’ve all seen the latest fad called Grassology – with a big name behind it like Bob Villa and...
by Jonathan Rigsbee | Mar 20, 2014 | Clover's Blog, Enviromental Benefits
With the lawn season just about in full swing, so will be the questions on the environmental impact of having a nice lawn. Every year the same articles show up to scare the public into thinking they are polluting the world by fertilizing their lawn and...
by Jonathan Rigsbee | Mar 7, 2014 | Spring Lawn Care
Even though we’ve had a slow/cold start to the spring, the phone has already started ringing with potential lawn care customers, who have fought the good fight for a great lawn, and just haven’t seen the return on the investment they had hoped for! I had a...
by Jonathan Rigsbee | Feb 19, 2014 | Clover's Blog, General, Spring Lawn Care
Now that the snow has finally melted, it won’t be long before the big box stores start running commercials for spring lawn care, all of the lawn care service providers will crank up their marketing machines (including us). What could cause all of this flurry of...