To Water or, Not To Water

The past twelve-days have been unusually hot in our area and many homeowners are watering their lawns to keep them hydrated. Nice idea but is it the right course? To Water or, Not To Water – that is the question. Turfgrasses generally need about 1-inch of water...

Did Winter Kill Your Athletic Fields?

Athletic Fields and golf courses all over our state are taking a big hit as some are forced to close due to the most severe and widespread Winter Kill since 1994. Winterkill affects warm season grasses such as, Bermudagrass. A favorite for fairways and a growing...

Yard Beautification

As the skies clear and warm weather returns, our thoughts return to yard beautification. Planting and caring for trees, shrubs and flowers can be therapeutic and the results are so satisfying to the eye and the heart. Here’s a few basics to help you optimize...