Our premium seeding service is guaranteed! We will triple aerate, aerovate or slit-seed and hand-rake to ensure proper results. To secure the best return on your investment, we supply detailed instructions for watering, mowing and basic lawn care (such as leaf removal). GrowinGreen creates our custom seed blends to accommodate all types of properties: shade blends, fescue/rye blends as well as our signature tall fescue blend. We only provide this service in the fall to preserve the quality of your purchase. With normal summer weather patterns, spring seeding is not likely to result in a year-long stand of healthy tall fescue and will disrupt your weed control program.
Soil Renovation
The goal of any soil renovation process is to create an environment where the grass seed can have direct contact with the soil. This allows for a strong root system to develop and optimum growth potential. The seeds need to be planted below the soil’s surface. Those remaining above the ground will struggle and likely die before they can germinate. We have the proper equipment to aerate, aerovate and slit-seed and we will use these in any combination necessary to provide you with the highest standard of service. These procedures will ensure that the seeds are well planted with good soil-to-seed contact; while also increasing the air circulation and loosening the soil, which in our area is a high percentage of compacted clay.
– Punctures the soil with hollow tines and removes cores/plugs from the ground.
– Inserts solid tines that vibrate and shatter the top 3 to 4 inches of the soil.
– Blades dig narrow trenches and deposits the seed into the “slit” in the soil.
Fall Seeding
GrowinGreen customizes a special seed blend every year. We hand-pick these seeds based on the NC State seed trials and they are always state certified to be weed-free. We carefully select the best options after considering the yearly conditions of the Triad. We focus on seeds that are drought-resistant and show excellent ability to endure summer stress (as the summers in this region can be very hot).
With all grass species, applying the proper amount of seed is essential to its survival. Too much seed is worse than not enough! One seedling can spread out and produce a 4 inch diameter of turf once it has matured. Putting down too much seed can result in competition between the seedlings and slow establishment or even choke itself completely.
Above all, remember, seed purity is fundamentally important. When there are 350,000 seeds in a pound, containing 1% weed-seeds means you are planting 3,500 weeds with every pound. Breeding this enormous amount of weeds into your lawn will only prove to be frustrating. GrowinGreen’s seed blend is 100% weed-free!
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GrowinGreen's service relies on a partnership between us, our customer and Mother Nature. GrowinGreen's treatment is guarateed for our full-season clients - if you are not 100% satisfied, please call us within 30 days and we will re-treat your property at NO additional charge. Your lawn is our business and your happiness is always our first priority.