Cool Season Lawn Care Program
Both cool and warm season grasses are grown in the Piedmont of North Carolina. Cool Season grasses grow best in the spring and fall, may show signs of heat stress in the summer and will remain green throughout most of the winter.
Our Cool Season Program requires treatment about every 40-45 days.
Lawn App 1
Pre-emergent is put down at this time to help prevent crabgrass later in the season. Broadleaf weed control is also applied to kill those unsightly weeds. Mowing is recommended to help our biologically enhanced fertilizers green up your lawn.
Lawn App 2
A second application of pre-emergent to carry crabgrass protection until seeding season in September. Another round of fertilizers and weed control are applied to help the turf reach that deep green, weed free status you desire.
Lawn App 3
A bio-stimulant fertilizer is applied at this time to provide constant food to help the turf deal with stress through the summer months. Broadleaf weeds are treated along with a final dose pre-emergent combined with a post-emergent.
Lawn App 4
Depending on the soil structure and soil test this application is customized for the turf’s needs. Lime, phosphorus or other products may be applied to address the deficiencies.
Lawn App 5
A biologically enhanced starter fertilizer, high in phosphorus, is applied. This will assist new seedlings in germination and provide the nutrients the lawn needs to mature.
Lawn App 6
Another biologically enhanced fertilizer focused on helping turf mature and develop a strong, deep root system. Spot broadleaf weed control may be applied to lawns that have not been seeded.
Lawn App 7
A winterizing fertilizer to promote a healthy root system and prevent winter stress. This will also assist in helping your lawn green up faster in the spring.
Our balanced fertilization, enriched with bio-nutrients, feeds the turf and makes it healthier, greener and more capable of withstanding adverse conditions. These liquid and granular fertilizers are formulated for the soil conditions throughout the year.
Weed Control
Effective broadleaf weed control depends on several factors: temperature, humidity and stage of growth. We attack the issue early and continue treating all year long. Many types of weeds can be difficult to control and may require several treatments.
Pre-emergent and post-emergent are crucial for crabgrass control. This process must be started early in the growing season before the spring germination occurs. Clean-up applications can be effective but must be done well in advance of seeding.
Tall Fescue is one of the most flexible, durable grasses available. It handles heat and drought better than other cool-season grasses and is considered traffic tolerant. Tall Fescue can be identified by its wide leaf blades that have equal-sized veins.
Kentucky Bluegrass has a soft velvety texture, deep green color and a tolerance for heavy traffic. The most obvious identifying characteristic is the canoe-shaped leaf tip. It also has a prominent midrib (vein) running up the middle of the leaf blade.